Img Hero Solutions

Virtual Sales Recruiter

Our software + the market data from our partner Jobdigger = magic that allows you to fully automate your prospecting, sourcing and matching processes.

theMatchBox & Jobdigger: a perfect match

The Virtual Sales Recruiter is a combination of our excellent Assisted & Automated Matching software and the outstanding data collected by Jobdigger.

This tool offers you as a recruiter with the unique opportunity to automatically match job ads in your CRM or ATS system with all of the job ads in Belgium and/or the Netherlands.

Virtual Sales Recruiter
Virtual Sales Recruiter 2

One step ahead, thanks to extensive market intelligence

By using the Virtual Sales Recruiter, you ensure that no candidate gets left unfound. Moreover, you increase your conversion rate, new candidate profiles appear quickly on your radar and you are strategically ahead of the rest.

Thanks to our link with Jobdigger you also have access to an extensive pool of market information on wanted jobs and candidates which you can use for your sales activities, your strategic planning, your marketing activities and even your target group research (what are the pull factors? How do you address whom?).

How can we help you?

Waarom Kies Je Voor TMB

Why theMatchBox might just be your perfect match

Working together with theMatchBox - what's in it for you?

  • You save time and therefore money
  • Automation stands for efficiency
  • Less work for quality output - sounds ideal, right?
  • Highly scalable. Are you growing? Your tool grows with you!
  • Reliability & customization: our tools work as accurately and specifically as possible and are adapted to your needs
  • Easy to integrate into your company and with your own CRM and software tools (Salesforce, Minggo, Bullhorn, Carerix, Jobdigger,...
  • Our smart AI technologies spot opportunities that you as a recruiter can't necessarily find.


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